Sustainability Journey (The story of a cardboard tube)

It began with a request and ended with…well it hasn’t ended yet 🙂 This is the story of sustainable design and giving back, repurposing and the joy of seeing things live on in new and wonderful and creative ways.

Earlier this year we were given a brief to produce a high concept and highly sustainable event design for the packaging industry. This brief really encouraged us to look inward to our own sustainability practices and inspired some new thinking. This brief spurred us to strive even further with our designs and our approach to contributing to a more sustainable industry.

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Bertazzoni Australia – A Brand Story

Every once in a while we have the pleasure of working with a very special brand with a very special story. What makes these ‘unicorn’ brands so special is when they also come with an incredible team of inspired visionaries. And what makes these inspired visionaries even more special is that they are also beautiful, friendly humans. And when these ‘once in a whiles’ happen… Magic happens too…

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Top 3 event themes of 2018

In December last year I submitted an article which was published in Spice News, I know,  a bit fancy right? It covered the Top 3 event themes for 2018. The process of writing this article got me seriously inspired about our work at JAK and the ideas we had created and the wonderful events we have produced. It’s not often we take the time to gather our thoughts in that way to reflect and assess. And perhaps we should! All to often we are looking ahead to the next thing that needs our attention as opposed celebrating our achievements.

To read the Spice Article, which is a superbly edited version and quite frankly makes me seem very knowledgable,  visit this link.  For the the Directors Cut, read on! Read More